Corgiville Museum 紅木 美るのケネディ・コレクションCorgiville Museum 紅木 美るのケネディ・コレクション


corgiville (2013年4月19日 12:01)


4月11日にベルリンの「MUSEUM THE KENNEDYS」を訪れたことはすでに書きましたが、そのとき、視聴覚室の壁に面白いものが貼ってありました。




8:05 am  The President、with Minister
        President Zim and General Lardon、
        departs the hotel for wiesbarden U.S
        Air Force Base

8:25 am  Motororcade arrives Wiesbarden Air Base

8:45 am  President and Secretary airborne to Berlin

9:45 am  The President arrives at Tegel. Airport Berlin

10:15 am  The President's motercade leaves Tegel airport

11:10 am  Mortercade stops at Congress Hotel for Convention of German National
        congress of the Industrial Trade Union of construction workers

11:30 am  The president leaves the Congresss Hall for the City Hall passing the          Brandenburg Gate 、the wall and checkpoint Chalie

12:50 pm  The President arrives at the City Hall where he speaks signs the             golden book and lunches

3:00 pm  The President leaves the City Hall for the Free Univercity

3:30 pm  The President arrives at the Free Univercity and speaks

4:00 pm  The President leaves for airport drivuving past United States Headquarters
        where he greets the troops and the American community

5:00 pm  The President arrives at Tegel (Irish Am to Germany will participate)          Farewell  remarks by Chan cellor.  Reply by President

5:15 pm  The President leaves for Dublin.

5:30 pm  The secretary is airborne from Tegel for London International Airport. on
        USAF constellation 80614. Dinner served abroad.  Other passengers:
        Mr.Mannin, Mr.Holborn、Mr.Bennington,and Mr. Lissance.

8:00 pm  The President arrives in Dublin Airport. and is wellcomed by President          de Valera, the Prime Minister and other officials.

8:30 pm  The secretary arrives London International. Airport(No arrival stement)

9:30 pm  The secretary leaves for the Ambassador's residence.
